Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We are in our new house, surrounded by boxes, and so happy to be. This move has been so stressful, but as always we made it through and are only stronger because of it. Joey moved the last of our things in last night (we have way too much stuff!!) and we returned the u-haul at midnight. Poor guy, he has taken this whole thing like a champ. He is tired and sore and has just kept going. I have been under the weather and not much of a help. My mission right now is not to unpack, but to find a way to pack out of all the boxes. We are leaving tomorrow to go to my sisters in Maine for the holiday weekend. I am so excited to see her and her family! I have a few other family members and close friends I want to visit, but not a whole lot of time. We are all tired but I think this little trip, as long as we don't hit major traffic, will be a good little break for us. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


In a hotel with clean water that welcomes my dog
I am clean
My kids are clean
Mini coffee maker to make soothing tea
Mini lincoln logs
Free wifi
I bring crafts everywhere with me
A Whole Foods down the street to get Dinner and something to ease my chest discomfort
Knowing that on Saturday we will have a (not old and charming, but new/safe/clean) house to move into
Grateful that we homeschool and we can learn everywhere and anywhere
I will hopefully see my beautiful sister and her family next week
My boys are funny and sweet
My husband is handling everything that I can't/don't want to

Monday, November 17, 2008

I have to say it

Ready for this one???? We are moving again. Yes, that's right....... again. This STINKS!!!!!!!!! We had terrible movers (ripped couch, broken bed, broken other things, ruined furniture, ruined food, and sooo much more) who won't return our phone calls or emails. We are living among boxes and have dirty water, no not just dirty, bad bacteria. We actually had no water at one point. We spent 3 hours and $23 at the laundry mat today. The lady who owns the house that we were going to live in is now pissy. PISSY????? Dirty water - small children....Pissy?? I am about to loose my mind. We found a new house to rent today and hopefully will be able to move in this week. She has decided she doesn't even want us to stay here until we can move so we will be heading to a hotel for the next few days. Hotels are real inexpensive huh??? Especially when you need a refrigerator and microwave and have a dog. We have one vehicle so the boys and I will have to stay in the room the entire day while Joey is at work. On the plus side...... I can finally give my kids showers instead of sponge baths with gallons of spring water and they won't have to ask if it's okay to flush or wash their hands. We will do school stuff and go for walks in the parking lot. Awesome! I know I'm complaining, but I have totally had it. Between the job loss, miscarriage, being in separate states for over a month, horrible movers and trying to live like this, I am emotionally spent. Dishes with no water...... sucks. We have had to buy so many jugs of water in the past week. It's almost 2:30 and I can't relax enough to go to sleep. My chest has been bothering me for the last month or so and we don't have health insurance yet so I just try to slow down and not get to hot. It doesn't feel like asthma, I'm not sure what it is. It would be so nice if we had friends in this state. I've got to find some peace soon.

Friday, November 14, 2008

So we are in New Jersey.......

I honestly don't even want to post about our move right now because it hasn't gone smoothly to say the very least. So we have moved, but I will wait to post about it until I have something better to say. Lets just talk about something else .........................
My sister and I have agreed we would like to do a handmade Christmas this year for each others families. We are going to swap gifts at Thanksgiving to avoid having to ship them. I have started a few fun projects but I am very behind. I can't share because my sister obviously would see, but I will share pictures after Thanksgiving. I am so ready to be settled and get to work on them again. I also want to get the boys school work started back up and get back in the kitchen. I haven't been cooking and I am feeling major withdrawals. I guess right now the thing I want the most in sleep and something clean. Anything........myself, the boys, clothes, water, house..... anything.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am feeling sad lately. There seems to be lots of baby talk and new babies around me. I know there is nothing I can do to bring the baby back and all that stuff, but I can't shake the quiet emptiness. Most of the time I am okay. Other times I get the lump in my throat that I have to smile and act "normal" around. Sometimes I just cry. I can't help but think of how big we would both be at this point and the plans that I had for us that will never be. I know.... I can have another baby, but it doesn't take away the hurt. Nothing does and I guess it never will. I will have a house update soon. We did get the one I talked about and the movers will be here in two days. It's a big beautiful house. We are so happy to have finally found our "home".