What a special Day..........Mother's Day. My mother and I live eight hours apart and see each other only a few times a year. Yes, I do say things now that my mother said and sometimes I'm just okay with that. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
I baked four loaves of bread this week, butterscotch, butterscotch chocolate chip, banana chocolate chip, and banana cinnamon chip. This morning I made fresh butter and baked a Berry and Buttermilk Cake from Apples for Jam: A Colorful Cookbook. My morning request was for everyone to sit at the table with me, eat my yummies from this week and drink mint tea. 
My sister is my best friend in the whole world. Hands down she's just the best. She was 6 when I was born and she was my little mommy. When I got pregnant with Max our relationship really blossomed. I have learned so much about being not just a mom, but a good mom from her. She has five beautiful children who are all so unique and special. When I got pregnant we both moved to the same state for the first time in several years. She guided me through pregnancy and breastfeeding. Now 11 years later we live 20 hours apart and talk on the phone daily. Sometimes I sit and think about how crazy it is that we don't spend more time with the people in our lives that mean the most to us. Not people we see out of obligation, but the people that we really enjoy, who bring out the best in us. We are apart for many different reasons but in the end those things won't matter. I always use the death bed example......Do you think on your death bed you will wish you had worked more??? No I bet you won't. You'll pine for more days with the ones you truly love. My brother-in-law and two oldest nephews have never met Matthew. Yes, that's right never met him and he's FOUR! My sister made me this apron for Mother's day. I LOVE it! The best thing about it is that it smells like her house. A mix of patchouli and incense. What I would give for a day with my sis. She also made a matching bandanna for CoCo. Super cute! (she wouldn't sit for a photo) This is a cute picture of her from the other day.
The boys bought me the cutest card for Mother's Day. It plays "Your unbelievable"
Matthew has been telling me for weeks that he was going to get me pink flowers, and he did. This is my new butter bell with the butter I made this morning in it. Yeah baby....Goodwill $3. Joey's parents came for a visit this afternoon. We sat outside and went for a little yard tour of all of our new plantings and sproutings. Of course we had potato soup for dinner. I baked haddock fillets and topped them with soup for fish chowder The Porthole style. (great little place on the wharf in the old port in Maine) Paired with cheesy garlic biscuits and a honey raspberry ale.....just fabulous!
1 comment:
I like your blog. I would like a piece of the blueberry cake. I can't pick blueberries until mid July, so if you could Fedex me a large one, it would be great. Mmmkay? Your dog and kids are adorable and how lucky you are to have such a great sister!
An anonymous reader in Waterboro
(the land of patchouli and incense)
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