So I wanted to join a CSA. Fresh, organic, low food miles, supporting local farmers, and so on. I started searching and didn't have much luck. A few farmers explained that with the drought this year they weren't able to do a CSA. I did find one organic farm about 45 minutes away but they were full. I was frustrated, but not ready to give up. There was a guy that came into Joey's plant to do some electrical work for him, who just happened to mention he had an organic farm and hoped he wouldn't have to do electrical work much longer. Perfect! I asked him if he had ever considered doing a CSA??? He said he didn't know much about it but that he was open to the idea. Perfect! We had a few phone conversations and I researched more about how several farms run theirs. We went to the farm to meet with our farmer friend and his partner to iron out the details. His wife and daughter were there also.....they are so sweet and we seem to have quite a bit in common. Our ideas blended together well and we got everything figured out. We walked the farm and sampled several things. The boys munched on carrots and spinach pulled fresh while they ran around. We left with a wonderful variety of veggies and fresh eggs. They do their picking on Tuesday morning and will deliver all of the baskets to my house on Tuesday afternoon for pick up. I am so happy with how this has worked out.
The sky was beautiful as we were leaving the farm. Not a great picture - I was hanging out the truck window.
There are eight small heads of romaine lettuce under all those carrot greens.
I started this post last night in bed and proceeded to fall sound asleep with the laptop on my lap. I had taken the dog out and the full moon was mesmerizing, so I thought I would share the view. It is now 12:40 and I am just getting to this today. Once again.....that's the way we roll around here. I have a bunch of end of the vacation pictures to share and tales to tell......soon, really.....promise. My sister is just the coolest gal around as I have said before. She has a great family and could share so much good stuff. IF SHE WOULD ONLY START A BLOG!!!! Pretty, pretty please with a big blob of peanut butter on top.
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Well, I might just start a blog. Maybe the big weight of Catholic guilt that I would have on my shoulders would light a fire under my ass to get more done around here. If you keep a blog you actually have to show what you accomplish, right? Ha Ha Ha
Good for you for persisting!! That's so awesome! I try to shop from my farmer's market for the same reasons. I love talking to the person who grew my dinner veggies.
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