Our trip to Florida was full of sand, sun, water, and fun. The ocean and pool occupied our days, showers and movies our nights. There was quite a bit of bike riding with their grandfather also.

The beach is nice but being from Maine I am used to the water being refreshing instead of hot bath water. The seagulls in Florida are out of control. They will literally come and take your food right out of your hands. There was a boy sitting behind us who had two sandwiches swiped out of his hands. I packed the boys containers of raw veggies and dip that luckily they were not interested in. We collected shells for our nature table and then decided to head for the pool where I could cool off.

There was a request, ok down right begging for flippers and snarckles. So cute, they will forever be snarkles to me.

We had a nice visit. The drive home was very long and rainy. An eight hour trip turned into ten. I was exhausted and my bed felt so good when I finally got there.
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