Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Takin' care of business.......

I truly hope that when you read the title of this post you sang it. If not please go back and do so.
So that's what I've been up to. I am feeling lucky to be feeling well enough to have accomplished as much as I have in the past week. Our CSA will be taking a few weeks off in about a month, so I have been working on preserving a few things for that time. With much thought, research, and discussion we have decided to homeschool the boys. I always wanted to but wasn't at a place in my life where I was confident in myself and REALLY making the changes in my life that I wanted. That's a whole other post that may come soon. Any who... that is no longer the case. We spent much of last weekend at the Atlanta Homeschool Expo. I was mostly looking for activities for the boys to take part in this year. I found several things that I think will be fun for them. Pretty please let me continue to feel well so I can take them to these different activities. (two to three a month) We have chosen to use Oak Meadow curriculum. I am pretty excited about being able to spend so much time with the boys. I like being with my kids. There were so many days that Matthew and I would say we wished Max was there with us for one reason or another. School always felt mean to me because it took my kids away from me. I am sure I will face some resistance and criticism from several people, but I don't care. They aren't their kids. I feel like I am doing the best thing for my children. Max is very intelligent (straight A's and in the gifted program) so most people would ask why? Because he is board and not excited about learning because he spends so much time waiting in school. I think when we stop learning, we stop growing. I see so many adults that think they know it all. They know a lot of old information. Old information is good, but new information is vital. Like everything else.....balance. I want them to love learning. I love learning. I have my first appointment with the midwife tomorrow. I hope it goes well, that again will be another post.


Cristin said...

I've thought about Homeschooling too. It wouldn't work with the Deaf kid and how jealous would he be if Dottie got to stay home forever?? It's not fair... I'm looking into a Waldorf school for Dottie... Graham gets a highly specialized education with LOTS of attention and support and I'd feel badly throwing the poor hearing kid in the public school system. I might have to get three jobs to pay for it, but I think I'm gonna go for it...

sorry for the super long comment!!

Cristin said...

Love the new banner by the way!