Monday, April 21, 2008

Busy Days of Spring

I know it has been a few days, we have been going, going.........gone. One thing I have found through starting this blog is that I love to take photos. Good at it.... no, but I'll figure it out and get better at it like everything else. So I have several to share with you. Max playing third.
It amazes me the positions kids are able to sleep in. Three sleepy heads.

Couldn't be any cuter. Beautiful tree in the Brusters parking lot. Gotta love that after baseball game

ice cream!

Last week I got to spend some time with some of the ladies from Joey's side of the family. It was a great day filled with lots of fun girl stuff and great conversations. ( Hi Susie, we need to get together for our crafting time.) My to do list for this week is growing and growing. I need to get my house back in order first. We still have a circus to work on and several craft projects that are in the works. I haven't done anything crafty for a few days and the stress build up is getting to me. I am going to try to combine the two and craft our way to a fabulous circus.

1 comment:

bamamomma said...

Hey Cindy, I sure have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the pics. I sure hope we can get together soon for that crafting day!
Love, Susie