Friday, September 19, 2008

Still Waiting.............

Completely in limbo. We have begun packing and getting moving quotes and all that crap...ooops I mean important details. We still don't have the written offer, it is being signed off on at corporate. I have mass amounts of green beans from our CSA basket this week (and okra) that we are going to can tomorrow in an attempt to do something fun. It is a good thing the boys have baseball or we wouldn't have any idea of the day or date. We don't wear watches or eat at meal times any more. I kind of like living life on our own time. I have been reading a lot in between packing and online house hunting this week. Staying up way to late to get to the end of the books, or falling asleep with them on my lap and picking them right back up as soon as I open my eyes in the morning. I have been feeling really sad about the baby and find it helps to have my mind constantly engaged in something other than my thoughts. The weather has been cooler the past few days and it is so refreshing. Maybe we will know tomorrow, maybe not. At least we'll have yummie food!

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