Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trying to be Positive

The company that Joey interviewed with last Friday called Monday morning and asked if our family would fly to New Jersey Tuesday morning to see the area. So here I am in New Jersey fighting the urge to flee to Maine to see my sister. I could be there by late afternoon just in time for tea. The area is not pretty at all, I mean not one bit. It is so expensive. If I picked my house up and brought it here it would be worth at least 400,000. No joke. We are trying to keep open minds and will look closer to the coast today where it may be visually more pleasing. I wish we were really excited about at least one of our options. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Cristin said...

I have family in New Jersey, both my parents are from there... Parts of Jersey are beautiful...I don't know what area you are looking at... it can go from good to bad pretty quickly...

good luck.